BM CertificationNews
Sustainable Solutions: How ISO 14001 Contributes to Tackling Plastic Pollution

Sustainable Solutions: How ISO 14001 Contributes to Tackling Plastic Pollution

Plastic pollution has become a global environmental challenge, impacting ecosystems, marine life, and human health. Recognizing the importance of ISO 14001, an internationally recognized Environmental Management Systems (EMS) standard, in addressing this pressing issue, we highlight the importance of ISO 14001 and explore how it can help prevent plastic pollution.

Sustainable Solutions: How ISO 14001 Contributes to Tackling Plastic Pollution

ISO 14001: A Framework for Environental Management:

ISO 14001 provides organizations with a comprehensive framework to establish and maintain an effective environmental management system. This standard enables organizations to identify, manage, and mitigate their environmental impacts, including waste management, which is crucial in addressing plastic pollution.

Reducing Plastic Waste:

Under ISO 14001, organizations are encouraged to implement waste management practices that focus on waste reduction, recycling, and responsible disposal. By implementing ISO 14001, organizations can develop robust waste management plans, with a particular focus on recycling plastic waste.  This may involve implementing segregation systems, promoting the use of reusable containers, and collaborating with recycling partners to ensure proper recycling and disposal of plastic materials.

Supplier Engagement:

ISO 14001 emphasizes the importance of considering the environmental performance of suppliers within the supply chain. Organizations can engage with their suppliers to promote the use of sustainable and environmentally friendly alternatives to plastic packaging or products. Encouraging responsible sourcing and promoting the use of recycled or biodegradable materials can help reduce the overall plastic footprint and promote a more sustainable supply chain.

Employee Awareness and Training:

ISO 14001 requires organizations to provide training and raise awareness among their employees about environmental issues. By educating employees about the impacts of plastic pollution and promoting responsible plastic use, organizations can foster a culture of sustainability. Employees can contribute by adopting practices such as reducing single-use plastic consumption, encouraging recycling, and promoting the use of sustainable alternatives within the workplace.

Life Cycle Assessment:

ISO 14001 encourages organizations to consider the entire life cycle of their products and services. This includes assessing the environmental impacts associated with plastic materials used in products, packaging, and transportation. By conducting life cycle assessments, organizations can identify opportunities to reduce plastic use, substitute with more sustainable materials, and improve the recyclability and reusability of plastic products.

Continuous Improvement:

ISO 14001 promotes a culture of continuous improvement in environmental performance. Organizations can set targets and objectives related to plastic pollution reduction, regularly monitor their progress, and take corrective actions when necessary. By integrating plastic pollution management into their Environmental Management System, organizations demonstrate their commitment to ongoing environmental improvement and contribute to the collective effort in combatting plastic pollution.

At BM Certification we firmly believe that addressing plastic pollution requires a holistic approach that encompasses effective waste management, responsible sourcing, and continuous improvement. ISO 14001 provides organizations with the necessary framework to manage their environmental impacts, including plastic waste reduction and recycling. By adopting ISO 14001, organizations can demonstrate their commitment to environmental sustainability and play an active role in combating plastic pollution. Together, we can create a cleaner, healthier, and more sustainable future for generations to come.

Contact us to find out more about how we can support your organisation’s journey towards tackling plastic pollution and achieving ISO 14001 certification. Together, let’s make a positive impact on our planet.

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Jurijs Stepcenko
ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 50001 lead auditor