ISO 28000 Specification for security management systems for the supply chain
The logistic chain plays an important role in ensuring that consumers receive goods anywhere in the world. Unfortunately, this process can face a number of potential threats, related to the cargo itself or to the human behavior, such as fraud, piracy and even terrorism. ISO 28000 can help any organization to mitigate the effects of security incidents.

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What is ISO 28000?
ISO 28000 is an international standard addressing the requirements of a Security Management System for the supply chain. It helps manage and mitigate potential security risks within the logistics chain.
How to get ISO 28000 certified?
In order to be certified, the organization needs to implement an management system that meets the requirements of the ISO 28000 standard. As an accredited certification body, we can provide you with training on the requirements of the ISO 28000 standard, perform pre-audits, as well as provide certification services.
Currently, we offer this service as a non-accredited certification.
Why certify according to the ISO 28000 standard?
By certifying and maintaining a security management system in accordance with the requirements of the ISO 28000 standard, you get confirmation that you have systems in place to manage and mitigate aspects critical to security assurance of the supply chain.
When choosing ISO 28000 certification, you will:
- demonstrate commitment to ensure safety of individuals and security of goods and services
- gain a competitive advantage and new business opportunities
- have an ability to control and manage threats within an organization
- save costs by reducing security incidents