Why choose certified palm oil?
Palm oil is widely used in both food and cosmetics, and it is economically viable and often irreplaceable ingredient of many products. With an average annual production of over 70 million tonnes, it is hard to imagine a day when we will not be exposed to any of the products that contain palm oil, not only in our favourite cookies, ice cream or other foods, but also in our cosmetics and household cleaners.

Due to its affordability and other factors, the demand for palm oil is growing every year. Like any other industry, the expansion of palm oil plantations is associated with a number of environmental and social risks. The issues are related with the deforestation, loss of biodiversity, labour exploitation, and other. The obvious question is: why not simply refuse or ban the use of such oil?
Replacing palm oil with another vegetable oil, such as rapeseed or sunflower oil, would have even greater negative impact on the environment, given that palms produce 4 to 10 times more oil per unit of cultivated land than other crops. Consequently, such action would result on even stronger pressure on the on the natural environment by converting larger forest areas into agricultural land.
The social risks must also be kept in mind: in the two main palm oil-producing countries, Indonesia and Malaysia, around 4.5 million people are employed on palm oil plantations. Reducing the size of these plantations would increase the poverty line for families for whom palm oil is their only source of income.
By being aware of these risks and recognizing that giving up palm oil would not be the most thoughtful solution, consumers, as well as producers and governments, should make a choice in favour of sustainably and responsibly sourced palm oil.
In 2004, bringing together various specialists in the palm oil industry RSPO (Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil) was established. The RSPO has developed a set of environmental and social criteria which companies must comply with to produce Certified Sustainable Palm Oil (CSPO). When they are properly applied, these criteria can help to minimize the negative impact of palm oil cultivation on the environment and communities in palm oil-producing regions.
RSPO certification scope covers sustainable palm oil growers and companies at all stages of the palm oil supply chain.
Why should companies certify their products according to the RSPO standard?
RSPO certificate confirms that the company’s products contain palm oil obtained from responsibly managed palm plantations. Certification allows a company to use the RSPO trademark on products and for the general corporate promotion.
RSPO certification is applicable to all food and household products that contain palm oil, palm kernel oil or products derived from them. RSPO is applied to companies that not only manufacture but also legally own the products at all stages of the supply chain to the final consumer.
By choosing RSPO certification, you will:
- Demonstrate your support for the environmental protection.
- Ensure that the requirements of producers and retailers are met, as they have set requirements for supply chain partners for the sustainable use of palm oil in products.
- Help consumers to choose products that enhance responsibility to preserve the environment.
- Expand market opportunities for your company.
BM Certification provides RSPO supply chain certification services, please contact us for more details.