ISCC EU recognition under RED II approved
On 3rd February the EU Committee on the Sustainability of Biofuels, Bioliquids and Biomass Fuels gave a positive vote to recognise ISCC EU and 12 other voluntary schemes under RED II. Voluntary schemes and national schemes of EU countries certify whether biofuels comply with the EU’s sustainability criteria.

As such, the schemes check that
- production of feedstock for these fuels does not take place on land with high biodiversity
- land with a high amount of carbon has not been converted for such feedstock production
- biofuel, bioliquid and biomass fuel production leads to sufficient greenhouse gas emissions savings
Several schemes also take into account additional sustainability aspects such as soil, water, air protection and social criteria. For the certification process, an external auditor verifies the whole production chain from the farmer growing the feedstock to the biofuel producer or trader.
While the schemes are run privately, the European Commission can recognise them as valid.
The Renewable Energy Directive – (EU) 2018/2001, (REDII) – established a common framework for the promotion of energy from renewable sourcesin in the EU and set a binding target of 32% of total EU final energy consumption from renewable sources in 2030.
In January 2020, the European Parliament adopted its resolution on the European Green Deal, emphasizing the need for more ambitious action to address climate change and meet environmental objectives. The resolution highlighted the essential role of energy in the transition to a net-zero greenhouse gas emissions economy, and particularly the importance of decarbonising the energy system. For these reasons, the resolution called for the revision of the RED in line with the new climate ambitions by establishing new binding obligations for individual Member States (not to fall below the EU 2020 targets).
Why certify with the ISCC system?
ISCC system certification helps manufacturers to take responsibility and reduces the risk for companies to create environmentally harmful processes. Certification is a reliable method that helps customers identify which companies provide a sustainable supply of agricultural raw materials.
When certifying the ISCC system, you will:
- Promote reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
- Ensure the sustainable land use;
- Reassure partners and customers that your company produces and sells sustainable products.
- Promote protection of the natural biosphere.
- Ensure social sustainability.
BM Certification can provide certification on the vast range of inputs to your agricultural operations, plus the onsite (farm) audits that allow you to be recognised on the market as ISCC certified supplier. BM Certification do this in accordance with the certification criteria established by sustainability certifications schemes ISCC PLUS and ISCC EU. BM Certification’s joint audits enable us to issue both certificates for your market demands.
ISCC EU covers input materials such as all types of agricultural and forestry feedstocks, waste, and residues, biogas, and algae.
ISCC PLUS covers all types of agricultural and forestry feedstocks, agricultural waste, and processing residues.
Please contact BM Certification now to find out how you can develop market confidence by offering your products and to ensure your compliance with ISCC requirements.